Thursday, December 13, 2007

Playing outside...

Per your request Stac... :)

Life has been good during this Christmas season.

Matthew's favorite things to say are...

BA BA BA BA BA BA and DA DA DA DA DA DA. We dont think he knows yet exactly that DA DA DA DA is Daddy, but let's not talk about that right now! He makes so many funny giggle noises...cracks me up. I think he is in a full conversation 90% of the time with his toys or with us. Must be frustrating that we don't understand him.

Check out the latest with us...had to put them in two seperate posts because my blog wont let me post any more then 5 pics at a time...frustrating! Anyone know what the deal is with that. Anyway, enjoy...

We went to the River Park down the road to eat dinner and took bread so we could feed the ducks. Matthew was so mesmerized! He was totally silent the whole night...I thought it was because of the ducks. Later that night, Matty and Daddy got a serious stomach bug...we are all recovering now. Maybe this is why he was so out of it. When the stomach bug comes a knockin, there is not much talkin.

Jackson is Matthew's best friend...he loves to play with him inside, outside - wherever! They are so cute together. Jax calls him Ma-U. So, of course, Matty's new nickname is Ma-U

Mom, I am hungry and this grass looks's about to go in my mouth. Are you gonna stop me or just let this happen?

Got it. MMMMMM....YES! She always gets to me in time...not this time SUCKA!

Hmmmmm...maybe this is why she always stops me. This tastes...ummmm...I will get back to you on this one...

Look Mom...No Clothes!

Matty Jo in all his glory...

Matthew can hold his bottle now all by himseld. The funny thing is it takes all 4 limbs...once again, we LOVE our chair Cindy Knocke!

Happy Boy!

Boys will climb, crawl, run anywhere to get to their ball!

This is literally how I carry Matthew downstairs when I am doing laundry. He cracks up which makes me crack up...and of course, I had to snap a shot of it. If you click on the picture and enlarge it, you can see his two top teeth. Those top little suckers are hard to get pictures of...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Garrison Elves

HA! Check out our link...I stole this idea from my friend Megan. SO FUNNY MEG! What a find! You have to just copy the link below and paste it in your internet address bar...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Family Time at Polar Bear

In his young life, Matthew has gotten to hang out at 3 different Young Life camps...what a lucky boy! This weekend, we hung out with lots of our High school kids at Polar Bear...the winter camp. Lots of fun family time with our YL kids.

I just thought this pic was cute...random, but cute.

A side note...latest Matthew stats...

1. All four top teeth are in! That makes a total of 6 teeth!
2. Matthew LOVES climbing. Everything. The other day, I turned around and he was off the floor and on to the second shelf of our book case in the living room. Is this suppose to happen when a kid is 7 months old?!? ALL BOY is all I can say!
3. Matthew is going to meet Santa for the first time tomm. night. First Christmas' are so fun!
4. Latest sleeping bed at 6:30 pm and awake at 7:00 am. The kid LOVES sleeping.

Thats it for now. Marry Christmas!