Monday, September 17, 2007

FATTY MATTY and his very first ear infection :(

That's right, today, my boy was diagnosed with a DOUBLE ear infection...that's right - both ears. Poor little angel. He was not himself all day. SO cuddly and so sad! Although I loved the cuddle part, I HATED how sad he was. He was inconsolable! Dang ear infections! Hate em!

This is the version of Matthew with a double ear infection...very chill after his first dose of antibiotic and numbing drops...he was tuckered out from screaming all day!

Check out the rolls on my em!

A better shot of the fat rolls...


Check out my pearly whites! YEAH! No more 3:45 am crying sessions cuz my teeth hurt so bad! That is...until the next teeth decide to come on thru

Mommy thinks my teeth are SO pretty! She shows them to EVERYONE! Do you think everyone cares that much about two littly bitty teeth?!?! Well, she sure does!

Look at me standing up holding on to Daddy's arm!

And...I CAN SIT! With almost no help at all. I am still a littler wobbly, but I am doing great!

Mommy says this is the cutest pic of all! Sitting all on my own...what a big boy! About 30 seconds after this picture was taken, WHAM! I did a face plant in to the carpet...but, Mommy sure was proud for those 30 seconds.

A friend named "Bernie"

Dont ask us why, but for some reason, the "Ernie" that Daddy bought Matthew has been re-named Bernie. Matthew cant talk, soooo, we cannot blame it on him. Dunno, we call him Bernie...and that's that!

Point is, Matthew loves him the most of every toy. He giggles and laughs when he sees him..cracks up is more like it. He will scooch across the floor to get to him. Bernie may actually get our boy crawling...GO BERNIE GO! GO MATTY GO!

Reaching for his buddy!


Bernie getting a little bite on the hiney! OUCH!

A big KISS for my best buddy!

Whats wrong Matty?! Did Bernie have bed breath?! Who knows...frustration is running rampant here lately...Matty wants to crawl and run NOW!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Okay, so I have been TAGGED by my friend Stacy...this means that I have to share 8 random things about myself that nobody would know. And then, I get to TAG more friends... I dont know if I will share anything that is much of a mystery...I'm not a big mystery...but here we go...a few confessions at least.

1. I LOVE reality tv. That has to be the first confession. Love The Hills, Big Brother, Runs House, etc... I know, I know...but it is captivating! And when you have DVR, you can watch these great shows commercial free...yippee!

2. I secretly REALLY wish I was a star on, really! I mean it! I asked Brian before we got married that if I ever "made it big", would he quit his job and hit the road with me?!?! He said he would. You are now thinking..."I didnt know she could sing and dance?!?" I can't! It's a dream, okay!?!

3. I want to start a foundation called the Josiah Foundation that brings "hope and a future" to inner city, at risk kids...especially teen parents..I am praying about what this means...I just feel like God is beginning to press it on my heart.

4. I had the longest caterpillar in the 5th grade...what does that mean, you ask? For every book we read, we got to add a circle to our ceterpillar...I had the longest one! Whoo hoo! What happened to that little reader?!?

5. I had a margarita the other night with my friends Amanda and was my first drink in about 5 or so years...I slept SOOOO good - best sleep I have had in a VERY long time. I may be forming a new nighttime ritual... HA HA!

6. Have any of you ever seen "Runs House"? I am married to Rev Run! Brian and I just laugh and laugh at that show because he is so much like Brian. We have had a few friends randomly say that as well...that Brian reminds them of Rev Run! HOLLA!

7. Okay, this is one nobody knows - for sure... There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman called "When Love Takes You In" and when Matthew and I are home alone, sometimes, I will dance with him on the middle of the living room to this song, "our song" and I cry! What a sap huh!!?! Here is a link to the video and song...

8. I want to adopt again...right now! I am ready! I would love a house full of little people running and giggling! Bring it on!