Point is, Matthew loves him the most of every toy. He giggles and laughs when he sees him..cracks up is more like it. He will scooch across the floor to get to him. Bernie may actually get our boy crawling...GO BERNIE GO! GO MATTY GO!
Reaching for his buddy!
Bernie getting a little bite on the hiney! OUCH!
A big KISS for my best buddy!
Whats wrong Matty?! Did Bernie have bed breath?! Who knows...frustration is running rampant here lately...Matty wants to crawl and run NOW!
I know how it goes with those names...who knows where they come from, but makes everything so much more fun & interesting, don't you think??
Tackle Bernie!!! Good boy Matty G.
We miss you BIG TIME!!!
how is my little buddy today? tell him i said, HOWDY!
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