Friday, October 31, 2008

Then..a Hot Dog! Now..A LION!

Just like last year, we went to The Fall Festival at The Loft this year! IT was so much fun! Matthew had a blast and surprisingly LOVED his outfit! The cutest lion I have ever seen! Sadly, I forgot my camera! I KNOW...what was I these pics are not that great as they are off my phone, however, thank goodness for Nama and Jenny who took pics of my Lion and are going to e-mail them to me. I will post more of my Lion (who did a great job roaring on cue) when I get them!

When we pulled back in to the neighborhood, we ran into a cute Pirate (Jackson and Jason and Lindsey).

I downloaded the photos off my phone and looked at last years pics...look how tiny my Hot Dog is!!???




Monday, October 13, 2008

A political statement ACTUALLY worth reading!

My friend Ross wrote something I liked. Honestly, I try to stay out of political banter, for the most part. I think mainly because I just cant pump up one person over another without reservation. I know who I won't vote for (I think). I think since I have been of age to vote, I find myself voting for someone because I really think they may be the better choice of two not so great options. Now I am NOT saying I could or would do or know better, I am just saying that I have no stickers on my car or signs in my yard...and I don't know if I ever will. Anyway, its worth a read, so check out what he wrote here.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A few Summer Adventures...before its all over!

First, this is what my living room looks like most of the time...well, at least every waking hour for Matthew if we are inside. Wouldnt change a thing...

Everything is a "orsie" if it is bigger than a dog and stands on all 4's. Here, we were at the Zoo and Matthew saw this "Dragon Lizard" and said "orsie, orsie" and hopped on. He was a little disappointed that it didnt take off or go anywhere.

Trying to get another swin in before summer weather is gone. Matthew found a pair of blue goggles in my pool bag (if anyone who has swam with us is missing them, here they are). IT was hilarious. He would NOT take em off. And, by the way, I think we may have the next Michael Phelps on our hands...he is SO natural in the water...holds his breath, has great balance, blows bubbles, etc...BUT, he has no fear which can keep Mommy on her toes around the water.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Missing Daddy!

We are missing Daddy while he is in Israel and Turkey (check on his trip will SO worth your while. The trip is amazing me!) so I thought we'd show off what Daddy and Matthew do EVERY day when Dad gets home from work.

Here is how it goes...

Matthew hears the door open. Matthew runs to the door saying DA DA. Brian gets down on his level and they hug. Matthew giggles and takes off running around the dining room table. Brian crawls after him and lets him go for a few minutes...all the while, Matthew is giggling so loud and hard, I think he's gonna choke. Brian catches him, they fall to the ground, hug and we all move on with the night.

It is one of my MOST favorite times of the day! And Matthew NEVER fails to do the exact same routine! I really need to get it on video so you can hear it should click on the pics to see their faces up can totally hear it with your mind if you see their faces :) We love you babe and we miss you! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In the Last Week...

We had a fun stomach bug that made its rounds from Matthew's school, to Matthew, to Brian and finally, me! The runny nose and stomach bug is almost enough to make me want to take him out of school. But, its now or later, right?!?

We also had a few messes, that I know you'd rather not hear about, but let me just say this...combine a kid with a stomach bug with a sick Mom changing a stomach bugged diaper and a kid who LOVES to grab his diaper and swing it around...well, lets just say, Mom ran to the bathroom, Matthew was was the wall in his room. Okay, so maybe that was an over share, but there you go. This blog is about life right?!?! That is my "real life" right now! :)

Young Life had its annual golf tournament this week. Good thing for Matty, Brian is not much of a golfer and they had a blast just driving around on the cart for hours.

Here he is hanging with some Young Life kiddos in the golf cart.

Here is Matthew with some of the other Young Life kiddos...having his very first chocolate chip cookie :) Happy Boy!

We could not peel Matty off the golf cart. He was in the drivers seat making car noises the whole time. THinking he is showing the bog kids how its done.

Brian said at one point, he jumped out of the cart for a "split second" (Dads terminology) and he turned around to find Matthew pressing the gas, with the break off and rolling forward. He made it about 6 feet before Brian caught him...way too tempting for a 1 year old is all I can say!

We always get a few good play days with the neighbors outside. Jack and Matty in a pink Barbie Jeep...cant you just see this same pose 16 years from now after a mudding trip? And likely not in a pink Barbie Jeep...

We totally have a golfer on our hands! He LOVES the small set of clubs Brian bought him..rain or shine!

MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! Big hugs for Daddy as he took off this morning for Isreal and Turkey. We are VERY excited for all the wonderful things he will learn and see, but there were LOTS of tears (mainly from Mom) before sending Daddy off for 17 days!

Praying for a great and rich trip babe, and that you will come back to us safe and sound! We love you more than you know.