Everything is a "orsie" if it is bigger than a dog and stands on all 4's. Here, we were at the Zoo and Matthew saw this "Dragon Lizard" and said "orsie, orsie" and hopped on. He was a little disappointed that it didnt take off or go anywhere.
Trying to get another swin in before summer weather is gone. Matthew found a pair of blue goggles in my pool bag (if anyone who has swam with us is missing them, here they are). IT was hilarious. He would NOT take em off. And, by the way, I think we may have the next Michael Phelps on our hands...he is SO natural in the water...holds his breath, has great balance, blows bubbles, etc...BUT, he has no fear which can keep Mommy on her toes around the water.
what a handsome little man!
I wish my living room looked that good! Y'all up for a play date next weekend?
those goggles are hilarious!!!!
sorry this is nicole:)
lovin the belly!!! He's so beautiful.
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