Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A little bloggin' game...thanks Stac!

My sweet friend Staci "tagged" me. Go see see her CUTIE family! She is wonderful and so....I am playing along! Love you Staci and really miss you too! Give my buddy Jude a kiss for me. He and Matthew were separated at birth I think!! HA! Don't you just love our passionate boys?!?!

So, here it is...

OK, on to the game. Here are the rules:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read the player’s blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

What were you doing 5 years ago?
1. Getting ready to go to Young Life camp with my new husband and our Young Life kids! Well, sort of new. We were still newlyweds for sure!
2. Living in a house we were remodeling in Alamo Heights. Interesting memories to say the least!
3. Teaching 7th and 8th grade English and coaching volleyball and basketball (funny)
4. Had just started attending New Heights and met Scott (our pastor) and Linda (my mentor) and those people have shaped our lives.
5. We were traveling to McAllen, TX house hunting because we thought we were going to be transfered there in September...

What are 5 things on your to-do list today (not in any particular order)?
1. update my blog (check)
2. Grocery shop for our home group coming over tonight
3. Go to the Y and work out (check - and arent you proud of me Staci!?!)
4. Finish cleaning out my downstairs closet and cabinet. I am becoming VERY type A in my 30's!
5. Do a load of wash - mainly Matthew's clothes...
6. Work on my bible study - doing Beth Moore's Stepping Up.

What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
1. raw almonds
2. a spoonful of peanut butter
3. goldfish and raisins (yes, together, I like how they taste together)
4. strawberries
5. trail mix...wih LOTS of M&M's

What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Move my sister back to the US...ha! Not that money is the issue, BUT, I'd buy them a house here and retire my brother-in-law so they could split their time between here and there. I know they love it there..but I WANT THEM CLOSER!
2. Build an orphanage and feed the oprhans at New Grace School and Orphanage in Uganda
3. Give lots to our church for...Kingdom work...whatever God wanted to use it for
4. Buy a lake house with a fun boat and jet skis...big enough for LOTS of family and friends.
5. Retire my husband so he could do mission work full time :)

1. over-sleeping in the morning (OR WANTING TO)
2. eating when I'm not hungry
3. getting stressed out over getting things done
4. staying up late doing nothing on the computer, or tv that I have DVR'd
5. Starbucks--ICED GREEN TEA--too often :)

What are 5 places you have lived?
1. Dallas, TX (from birth to 3)
2. Herndon, VA (3 to 10)
3. San Antonio, TX
4. College Station, TX (for school and miss it)
5. And back to SA! I really only have 4.

What are 5 jobs you've had?
1. Retail (in HS)
2. nanny (in college)
3. English teacher
4. Children's Pastor
5. Young Life staff

What 5 people do you want to tag? (I cant do only 5, I am curious about all my peeps!)
1. Stacy
2. Jenny
3. Jessica (three sisters up first)
4. Megan
5. Hanna (cuz I think you are SO funny!)

6. Pam
7. Kim
8. Ryan and Lauren

Come on everyone - play along! Love yall!


King Family said...

Yay. I like reading your answers. The link thing is easy. On your draft version, once you type in the word, like a name, then you highlight it and click that little symbol at the top next to the font colors. It's like a little green ball w/something on top. It will pull up a box for you to type the website address in. Try it and let me know if you have problems. Once you do it, you'll get addicted and try to link everything!

Hanna Schmidt said...

Too reminiscent of my Juno account in middle school and all the surveys we did back then to post on the blog...