Friday, August 14, 2009

Trail West, Buena Vista, Colorado

We spent a month in Colorado at one of Young Life's properties called Trail West. Its our Family Camp. It was an AMAZING 28 days! My "job" was to love, pray with, work with, study with and just do life with 13 college girls who came to be on "Summer Staff" from all over the country. They were awesome and we felt SO blessed to get to spend time with everyone and play in the AMAZING Colorado weather! Why do we live in Texas in the summer?!?! There is no greater gift than to get to spend this time with other Young Life staff and Work Crew and Summer Staff...what a gift for our family and our babies!!

Matthew and Jackson making the most of the pool on our visit to Frontier Ranch.

Matthew and Jack all dressed up for the Square Dance! Pretty Babies!

2 of my wonderful Summer Staffers! Jocelyn and Sarah! Love these girls!

All of Summer Staff and Work Crew during our performance night for all the guests! We sang and 2 of our kids shared their "stories"! Such amazing kids! They come to serve for a month for free...just because they love the community and love Jesus!

When we asked Matthew what his favorite part of the trip to Colorado was, he said, "the rainbows"! They were amazing!

The fam...and sweet adopted Garrison for a few weeks!

View from the deck in the main lodge

Who says girls are cleaner than boys! This is a small part of my girls room! So funny!

Took kids to lunch in town one day and saw inappropriate I know..I so know! But it made me laugh out loud too! Sorry if it offends anyone! :)

2 little "mini bears"...we had a few of these little guys live with us in our Assign Team Housing. They are everywhere!!

Me and my some of my girls! All decked out for "Welcome"!

Jason and Matt - our program guys at Welcome. Preparing to welcome families!

The pool at Trail West. Every view is more amazing than the last!

My Summer Staff Peeps! Love you all!

We had a great month! Glad to be home. But, made some friends (The Conants :-)) that will be friends for life. So thankful to be a part of the mission and community of Young Life!


Tootle Family said...

Hi!!! I'm home on blogger, on a Friday night. Thanks for updating your blog to give me something to look at. LOVE seeing pics of Trail West. What a fun time. And, can't believe you were there for so long. how was the drive?

boo and stacy said...

Me too Jess! Looks like such a neat bunch of girls! Is there anything like it (nope). Glad you got the opportunity with your kiddos:) hope to join y'all one year!

Love the rainbows too Matthew!

Pam said...

Me three Jess and Stac. Well it's actually sat. afternoon. But checking all the blogs and so happy to see the Garrison family.

What a beautiful place and fun time you all had. Your kids will always love that trip.

The Blevins' said...

sweetness. It looks like you had so much fun...what a beautiful location. I am so glad I got to see you and the fam today. That little Anna Faith is changing so much. Can't wait to hang out more

The Grays said...

what a great opportunity for your family - great memories! glad y'all are back in tx, though!! hope to see you in a couple of weeks :)

Jen Taylor said...

SO FUN! It was funny when we were talking and Jackson said there was something that ran into the house. Yeah, yeah little man, sure it did. Sure's heck did, huh!

How did you do the bumper sticker pic?? So cool how you click on that. I need one of those. Doesn't every crazy church lady?

Missed you & glad your're home!! I need some Matty & Anna time!

Martha said...

Amazing pictures, Court. What a beautiful place. Those girls were blessed to have you loving on them.